Source code for shakermaker.station

import abc
import scipy as sp
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
import scipy.signal as sig

def interpolator(told, yold, tnew):
    return interp1d(told, yold, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(yold[0], yold[-1]))(tnew)

class StationObserver(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    def station_change(self, station, t):
        raise NotImplementedError('derived class must define method station_change')

[docs]class Station: """This simple receiver stores response in memory. Internally, numpy arrays are used for storage. Optional parameters allow filtering of the response before outputting, althoiugh it is always stored raw (unfiltered), therefore the user can experiment with different filtering settings. :param x: xyz location of the station. :type x: numpy array (3,) :param metadata: metadata to store with the station :type dict: python dictionary """ def __init__(self, x, internal=False, metadata={}): self._x = x self._metadata = metadata self._observers = [] self._internal = internal self._initialized = False @property def x(self): return self._x @property def metadata(self): return self._metadata @property def is_internal(self): return self._internal def add_to_response(self, z, e, n, t): if not self._initialized: self._z = z self._e = e self._n = n self._t = t self._dt = t[1] - t[0] self._tmin = t.min() self._tmax = t.max() self._initialized = True else: dt = t[1] - t[0] tmin = min(self._tmin, t.min()) tmax = max(self._tmax, t.max()) if dt != self._dt: dt = max(dt, self._dt) tnew = sp.arange(tmin, tmax, dt) zz = interpolator(self._t, self._z, tnew) zz += interpolator(t, z, tnew) ee = interpolator(self._t, self._e, tnew) ee += interpolator(t, e, tnew) nn = interpolator(self._t, self._n, tnew) nn += interpolator(t, n, tnew) self._z = zz self._e = ee self._n = nn self._t = tnew self._notify(t)
[docs] def get_response(self): """Return the recorded response of the station. :param do_filter: Will/won't filter if filter parameters have been set. (Most useful to disable filtering before return) :type do_filter: bool :param interpolate: If ``True`` then will interpolate to a new time vector before filtering :type interpolate: bool :param interpolate_t: New time vector (its best if this vector spans or encompasses the old vector... otherwise artifacts will ensue) :type interpolate_t: numpy array (Nt,) :returns: Z (down), E (east), N (north), t (time) response of the station. :retval: tuple containing numpt arrays with z, e, n, t reponse (shape (Nt,)) Example:: z,e,n,t = station.get_response() """ return self._z, self._e, self._n, self._t
def attach(self, observer): assert isinstance(observer, StationObserver), \ "Station.attach (Input error) - 'observer' Should be subclass of StationObserver" self._observers.append(observer) def detach(self, observer): self._observers.remove(observer) def _notify(self, t): for obs in self._observers: obs.station_change(self, t)