Source code for shakermaker.shakermaker

import copy
import numpy as np
import logging
from shakermaker.crustmodel import CrustModel
from shakermaker.faultsource import FaultSource
from shakermaker.stationlist import StationList
from shakermaker.stationlistwriter import StationListWriter
from shakermaker import core 
import imp

    found_mpi4py = True
except ImportError:
    found_mpi4py = False

if found_mpi4py:
    # print "Found MPI"
    from mpi4py import MPI
    use_mpi = True
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    nprocs = comm.Get_size()
    # print "Not-Found MPI"
    rank = 0
    nprocs = 1
    use_mpi = False

[docs]class ShakerMaker: """This is the main class in ShakerMaker, used to define a model, link components, set simulation parameters and execute it. :param crust: Crustal model used by the simulation. :type crust: :class:`CrustModel` :param source: Source model(s). :type source: :class:`FaultSource` :param receivers: Receiver station(s). """ def __init__(self, crust, source, receivers): assert isinstance(crust, CrustModel), \ "crust must be an instance of the shakermaker.CrustModel class" assert isinstance(source, FaultSource), \ "source must be an instance of the shakermaker.FaultSource class" assert isinstance(receivers, StationList), \ "receivers must be an instance of the shakermaker.StationList class" self._crust = crust self._source = source self._receivers = receivers # self._mpi_rank = None # self._mpi_nprocs = None self._mpi_rank = rank self._mpi_nprocs = nprocs self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def run(self, dt=0.05, nfft=4096, tb=1000, smth=1, sigma=2, taper=0.9, wc1=1, wc2=2, pmin=0, pmax=1, dk=0.3, nx=1, kc=15.0, writer=None): """Run the simulation. Arguments: :param sigma: Its role is to damp the trace (at rate of exp(-sigma*t)) to reduce the wrap-arround. :type sigma: double :param nfft: Number of time-points to use in fft :type nfft: integer :param dt: Simulation time-step :type dt: double :param tb: Num. of samples before the first arrival. :type tb: integer :param taper: For low-pass filter, 0-1. :type taper: double :param smth: Densify the output samples by a factor of smth :type smth: double :param wc1: (George.. please provide one-line description!) :type wc1: double :param wc2: (George.. please provide one-line description!) :type wc2: double :param pmin: Max. phase velocity, in 1/vs, 0 the best. :type pmin: double :param pmax: Min. phase velocity, in 1/vs. :type pmax: double :param dk: Sample interval in wavenumber, in Pi/x, 0.1-0.4. :type dk: double :param nx: Number of distance ranges to compute. :type nx: integer :param kc: It's kmax, equal to 1/hs. Because the kernels decay with k at rate of exp(-k*hs) at w=0, we require kmax > 10 to make sure we have have summed enough. :type kc: double :param writer: Use this writer class to store outputs :type writer: StationListWriter """' - starting\n\tNumber of sources: {}\n\tNumber of receivers: {}\n' '\tTotal src-rcv pairs: {}\n\tdt: {}\n\tnfft: {}' .format(self._source.nsources, self._receivers.nstations, self._source.nsources*self._receivers.nstations, dt, nfft)) if rank > 0: writer = None if writer and rank == 0: assert isinstance(writer, StationListWriter), \ "'writer' must be an instance of the shakermaker.StationListWriter class or None" writer.initialize(self._receivers, 2*nfft) writer.write_metadata(self._receivers.metadata) ipair = 0 if nprocs == 1 or rank == 0: next_pair = rank skip_pairs = 1 else : next_pair = rank-1 skip_pairs = nprocs-1 for i_station, station in enumerate(self._receivers): for i_psource, psource in enumerate(self._source): aux_crust = copy.deepcopy(self._crust) aux_crust.split_at_depth(psource.x[2]) aux_crust.split_at_depth(station.x[2]) if ipair == next_pair: print(f"rank={rank} nprocs={nprocs} ipair={ipair} skip_pairs={skip_pairs}") if nprocs == 1 or (rank > 0 and nprocs > 1): tdata, z, e, n, t0 = self._call_core(dt, nfft, tb, nx, sigma, smth, wc1, wc2, pmin, pmax, dk, kc, taper, aux_crust, psource, station) nt = len(z) t = np.arange(0, len(z)*dt, dt) + + t0 psource.stf.dt = dt/10 z_stf = psource.stf.convolve(z) e_stf = psource.stf.convolve(e) n_stf = psource.stf.convolve(n) if rank > 0: ant = np.array([nt], dtype=np.int32).copy() comm.Send(ant, dest=0, tag=2*ipair) data = np.empty((nt,4), dtype=np.float64) data[:,0] = z_stf data[:,1] = e_stf data[:,2] = n_stf data[:,3] = t comm.Send(data, dest=0, tag=2*ipair+1) next_pair += skip_pairs if rank == 0: if nprocs > 1: skip_pairs_remotes = nprocs-1 remote = ipair % skip_pairs_remotes + 1 ant = np.empty(1, dtype=np.int32) comm.Recv(ant, source=remote, tag=2*ipair) nt = ant[0] data = np.empty((nt,4), dtype=np.float64) comm.Recv(data, source=remote, tag=2*ipair+1) z_stf = data[:,0] e_stf = data[:,1] n_stf = data[:,2] t = data[:,3] next_pair += 1 station.add_to_response(z_stf, e_stf, n_stf, t) else: pass ipair += 1 print(f' - finished station {i_station} (rank={rank} ipair={ipair} next_pair={next_pair})') self._logger.debug(f' - finished station {i_station} (rank={rank} ipair={ipair} next_pair={next_pair})') if writer and rank == 0: writer.write_station(station, i_station) if writer and rank == 0: writer.close()
def write(self, writer): writer.write(self._receivers) def enable_mpi(self, rank, nprocs): self._mpi_rank = rank self._mpi_nprocs = nprocs def mpi_is_master_process(self): return self.mpi_rank == 0 @property def mpi_rank(self): return self._mpi_rank @property def mpi_nprocs(self): return self._mpi_nprocs def _call_core(self, dt, nfft, tb, nx, sigma, smth, wc1, wc2, pmin, pmax, dk, kc, taper, crust, psource, station): mb = crust.nlayers print(f"psource = {psource}") print(f"psource.x = {psource.x}") print(f"station = {station}") print(f"station.x = {station.x}") src = crust.get_layer(psource.x[2]) + 1 # fortran starts in 1, not 0 rcv = crust.get_layer(station.x[2]) + 1 # fortran starts in 1, not 0 stype = 2 # Source type double-couple, compute up and down going wave updn = 0 d = crust.d a = crust.a b = crust.b rho = crust.rho qa = qb = crust.qb pf = psource.angles[0] df = psource.angles[1] lf = psource.angles[2] sx = psource.x[0] sy = psource.x[1] rx = station.x[0] ry = station.x[1] x = np.sqrt((sx-rx)**2 + (sy - ry)**2) self._logger.debug('ShakerMaker._call_core - calling core.subgreen\n\tmb: {}\n\tsrc: {}\n\trcv: {}\n' '\tstyoe: {}\n\tupdn: {}\n\td: {}\n\ta: {}\n\tb: {}\n\trho: {}\n\tqa: {}\n\tqb: {}\n' '\tdt: {}\n\tnfft: {}\n\ttb: {}\n\tnx: {}\n\tsigma: {}\n\tsmth: {}\n\twc1: {}\n\twc2: {}\n' '\tpmin: {}\n\tpmax: {}\n\tdk: {}\n\tkc: {}\n\ttaper: {}\n\tx: {}\n\tpf: {}\n\tdf: {}\n' '\tlf: {}\n\tsx: {}\n\tsy: {}\n\trx: {}\n\try: {}\n\t' .format(mb, src, rcv, stype, updn, d, a, b, rho, qa, qb, dt, nfft, tb, nx, sigma, smth, wc1, wc2, pmin, pmax, dk, kc, taper, x, pf, df, lf, sx, sy, rx, ry)) # Execute the core subgreen fortran routing tdata, z, e, n, t0 = core.subgreen(mb, src, rcv, stype, updn, d, a, b, rho, qa, qb, dt, nfft, tb, nx, sigma, smth, wc1, wc2, pmin, pmax, dk, kc, taper, x, pf, df, lf, sx, sy, rx, ry) self._logger.debug('ShakerMaker._call_core - core.subgreen returned: z_size'.format(len(z))) return tdata, z, e, n, t0